Never before has a stallion been so successful. Never before have we seen a stallion dominating all the international events with his first crop. Already 21 (!!) of Cornet Obolensky´s oldest offspring have advanced to the highest level of show jumping. Never before has a stallion been so prepotent in passing on his talent for top-level sport.
From the moment Cornet Obolensky set foot in the world of breeding, riders as well as breeders have been fascinated by this charming grey. At the 2001 Westphalian stallion inspection the audience watched breathlessly as this product of the golden combination Clinton x Heartbreaker just seemed to flirt with the jumps. In the 30-day test this phenomenal athlete received a 9.24 score for jumping aspects and a 10 for free jumping.
Once the stallion was teamed up with Marco Kutscher in the saddle the admiration for Cornet Obolensky´s jumping talent simply rocketed. The combination qualified for the Bundeschampionat´s finals with scores others can only dream of. With a casual ease they conquered the world´s most difficult courses as if it were child´s play.
Cornet Obolensky´s first crop of sons saw the immediate approval of top-class stallions Cristallo I (1.60m classes with Henrik von Eckermann), Cornado NRW (1.60m classes with Marcus Ehning) and Conte Bellini (the absolute revelation of the 2013 World Cup Finals in Göteborg under the Latvian rider Kristaps Neretieks). And there is Daniel Deusser´s phenomenal ace Cornet d´Amour, who also stems from Cornet Obolensky´s first crop. In 2013 this combination won the German Champion´s title and seized individual fourth place at the European Championships in Herning. Cornet Obolensky´s first crop also produced Marco Kutcher´s current top horse Cornet´s Cristallo and Emanuele Gaudiano´s EC star Cocoshynsky.
And it´s still early days for this already unparalleled career in the worldwide breeding scene of show jumping horses. At this stage Cornet Obolensky has at least 32 offspring competing at 1.60m level and we´re still counting. All these horses will be turning ten or eleven in 2014. What does this hold for the future?
Never before has a stallion so prominently shown to be in a class of his own. Never before has a stallion been such a proven progenitor for passing on his talent to his offspring. This season you too can seize your chance to use this phenomenal sire: Cornet Obolensky!